Instrumentation Physics

Physics of Instrumentation is one type of expertise in the field of physics that is more focused discussion on the elements of the means of electrical instrumentation, computing and robotics

Physics of Material

Materials Physics is a container to perform the activities associated with teaching and research in the field of materials that discuss the theoretical study that focused on photonic crystals, functional materials, including nano-inorganic materials, magnetic and superconducting materials, conjugated polymers, and polymer hybrid photonic crystals, development of material applications, including solar cells, light sources (LEDs, Laser), and integrated optical devices for telecommunications.


Earth Physics (Geophysics) is a branch of physics that studies the symptoms of earth and earth to do with the structure of economic interests, such as mining of petroleum, coal or building plans.

Theorytical Physics

Studied theoretical physics and physics developed by using basic principles that have been known, aided mathematics and computer; and predict new things that can be tested through experiment / observation, or to explain this phenomenon results experiments / observations.


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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gambar Penguat Transistor dan Analisis Parameter -h

Bagi kalian yang memerlukan gambar percobaan Gambar Penguat Transistor dan Analisis Parameter -h dengan format pdf untuk keperluan Praktikum Elektronika Dasar, anda bisa mendownloadnya pada link download di bawah gambar berikut

Monday, November 28, 2011

Gambar Catu Daya dan Regulator Format Pdf

Bagi kalian yang memerlukan gambar percobaan Catu Daya dan Regulator untuk keperluan Praktikum Elektronika Dasar, anda bisa mendownloadnya pada link download di bawah gambar berikut

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Toward Functional Nanomaterials

Author : Zhiming M. Wang, Andreas Waag, Gregory Salamo, Naoki Kishimoto
Published: 2009
Publisher: Springer
Size: 11 MB

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GM tube characteristics and Dead Time Counter

Exactly, today, I'm playing around with a laptop in the room a friend. Precisely in North Sumatra University Dormitory Son. In the beginning, with good intentions we want to do basic electronic journals for the title of a transistor amplifier with an analysis of the parameters h. However, it is called the devil is always there, so our idea is not to be working on the journal and did not even enter the lab to lab.

It occurred in my heart to think what useful thing I can do. My friend (his name just info Ahmad Muhajir) was doing at the time of reinstalling it. I myself have just completed the midterm, and silently stared at the stake was fiddling with his favorite notebook. Ah, finally a short story I had glanced at his core physics lab journal, and I made the material in my blog, Next, I typed his nuclear physics lab journal and write it as an article in my blog. Simply, do not need much introduction, starting with the title as follows
GM tube characteristics and Dead Time Counter

Experiment objectives:
1. To determine the characteristics of Geiger-Muller counter
2. To know the meaning of the Dead Time Counter
3. To determine the radiation emitted by radioactive materials used in the experiments
4. To know the meaning of the plateau region and its connection with Geiger-Muller counter
As the number mass that becomes larger, the comparison between neutrons and protons in a nucleus becomes larger for a stable nucleus. Possibility of unstable nuclei have a neutron excess or deficiency and experienced a transformation process known as beta disintegration. Unstable nuclei can have a variety of other processes such as alpha disintegration or disintegration neutrons. 

As a result of the disintegration-shedding, the core end is in a more stable or have a stronger bond configuration. 

In 1896, a physicist from France named Henry Becquerel discovered that crystals of solid uranium-rays emitted rays similar to X-rays with high penetration rate, which can lead to a photographic plate, and induce conductivity electricity in gases. Becquerel is accompanied by findings identified two other radioactive elements in 1898, namely Plutonium and Radium, by a husband and wife that Pierre and Marie Curie.

Heavy elements like uranium and thorium, and decay of an unstable and a chain from initial state radiation emitting elements. 

Alpha decay. Alpha decay is the emission of alpha particles (helium nuclei) which can be represented as a Helium atom. When an unstable nucleus that issuing an alpha particle, the atomic number decreases by 2 and the masses derived by 2 anyway. The occurrence of a combination of kinetic energy from the core of the child (Thorium 230) and alpha particles are usually shown as TO. The amount of the TO and the gamma energy is equal to the mass difference between the original nucleus (Uranium 234) and the particle is proportional to the end because the binding energy released. Alpha particles will carry as many as 89 percent of the kinetic energy is, in many cases, which can be thought of carrying all the kinetic energy. 

Beta decay. Beta decay is the emission from the core electron orbitals more than the original. These particles are released by the core electrons are excited and having a same charge sign. If both the energy and momentum is conserved, a third type of particles, neutrinos, v, must be involved. Neutrinos are associated with positive inter-particle electron emission. For all of the content of the particles, they all penetrate the material with a little, where the energies have not restore the initial state. Electron emission, which is represented as a simple electron or minus e is usually written, effectively converts a neutron
into a proton, thereby increasing the atomic number by one and leave the mass number which is not charged. This is a common form of decay of a nucleus with a neutron excess. 

Gamma decay. Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic energy radiation is very high and there is at the core. Nuclei emitted in the form of photons, separate files rather than the energy possessed by both wave and particle properties. Often a child's core left in a state of excitation after the ground state by emission of a gamma ray radiation. However, in some cases gamma rays (photons) collected from the core-core interaction only with one of the deepest of the electron orbitals, and as a result, the energy of the photons is transferred to the electrons. Gamma rays that have been mentioned experiencing internal changes. Conversion electrons are removed from the atom with kinetic energy equal to the gamma energy minus the binding energy of the electron orbitals. An orbital electron then falls into a state which is lower in energy states to fill the void, and this is an amalgamation of the characteristic X-ray emission.

Author: Achmad Muhajjir
rewritten: Averroes F Piliang

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Carbon Nano Tubes

Friday, November 11, 2011

Le`t lift up our Traffic using Shoutmix

Such a poor blog if there is not a page which contain a content without chatting tools, because why? because the popularity of the blog it is depends on how we promote our blog to another people. So, the chatting tools is also can boost our blog became a famous blog. So, don`t talk to much, give your comment here and get ready to chat and boost here

happy blogwalking here

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Digital system, Simple Defenitions and Understandings

Perhaps many who do not know what is meant by a digital system definition and understanding, and even let definitions and understanding but the form and what its function is still a lot of people do not know. In fact, when viewed from the function and application of all the people in this world already use it and the more ironic they use the functions and applications of digital systems they use every day and to the extent that one uses as one activity of daily and hourly.

Actually, what is a digital system? Well, after I read some books and journals from the internet a language that is easy digital system that is the internet, electronic items, call it like Laptops, computers, LCD TVs, Smart phone, Smart TV, and many other types. however, the definition of a digital system that serves to transform the system (process) Varying signals / random or unclear directions and goals into discrete signals or discontinuous.

Surely, you who are reading this wondering why is converted into discrete signals aka disjointed. Yes, if my very simple answer, order random signals can be selected which produce a good that even though discrete unidirectional signals. But, after I read on the internet are so many reasons why converted into discrete signals. According to e-books Journals Digital Systems, which I downloading from, The advantages why are converted into digital signals which are:
  • Ability to produce a better signal and accurate
  • Have good reliability
  • Easy to design, requires no special mathematical ability to visualize the properties of simple digital circuit
  • Flexibility and better functionality
  • The ability of a program that is easier
  • At last but not least is Faster than an analog system
Yes as above digital system is used that's why the reasons. Actually, this digital system is really very easy to understand because it is his understanding, the digital system uses discrete signals falter. Surely that is in your mind of course that is called to faltersuch exist and not exist or if the numbering system, you will think like 1 and 0. Well, according to in electronic journals digital,
Digital signals are usually represented by algebraic notation 1 and 0. Notation 1 represents the junction and the notation 0 represents no junction. The easiest example to understand this sense is a light switch. When you press the ON means there is a junction that is denoted by 1 and when you press OFF then it will apply otherwise.
Finally, For the moment, articles on digital systems is still like this because I have to learn first (I know this blog admin Materials Physics studies minor is so must start from zero again if you want to discuss about other areas)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Atomic Clock Cesium Beam Tube

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Microcontroller Video

Here a video which talk about microcontroller chip, for a while my post just a video because I have no preparation to make some article